Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Split Personalities

Okay, so I have been a bad, bad blogger lately. I have finally had some spare time since being out of school for most of the summer, but I have filled up that spare time with other stuff essentially. : ) Anyway, I found this article and I felt like sharing it as a way of slowly working my way back into posting on my blog. I may eventually talk about how Facebook seems to be a great way for someone shy (like me) to get out of their comfort zone socially, but this particular article discuses the different personalities people portray simply by posting a Facebook status update. In fact, sometimes a Facebook status can be totally incompatible with who a person is in real-life.

The article just gives a fun overview of what your status says about you and how a person can spice things up a bit. I know I have certainly been the "Tired" poster for example. This article will really make me think twice when I post a status update and, at the very least, I may try to make it more interesting when I say something about being tired. For example, a friend recently posted a status update about being exhausted from getting up and getting dressed in the middle of the night after setting her alarm clock without her glasses, but she did it with humor and a little light-hearted self deprecation that made it interesting. Anyway...
Facebook Personalities Article

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