Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Do you do this? Or is it just me?

The Today Show featured this article the other day in the New York Times called "The Ideal Husband" and, despite the fact that I already have a husband, I was curious what they had to say about the topic. I often find myself reading these Cosmo-type articles and making comparisons to see if I made a good choice, which is probably an odd thing to do I am guessing and because he is really pretty great. I can't help it, I get sucked into the titles like "Are You and Your Mate Completely Wrong for One Another?" and find myself skimming the material "just to be sure" that I haven't been living with the wool pulled over my eyes and thinking "Are we totally wrong for one another??? What will I do?" Anyway...I think what was most interesting about the article is that the advice was given by a priest, who obviously wasn't married himself (although the article was written by Maureen Down I believe). Listening to what he had to say, I must say that I fully agree with him! There are times where I wish I had looked into a couple of these issues (uh, mother attachments [cough, cough]). I think knowing the full extent of what you are getting into up front by investing a little time and effort and yet still rationally making the decision to go ahead with a relationship takes away any excuses you have to say "I didn't know" in order to justify the relationship not working. I also liked what he had to say because he specializes in helping high school children, who I plan to be working guiding these same individuals on their future paths soon and believe this to be a topic that may arise in my future expeditions.

To check it out:


crazy4my80 said...

I have come to realize that I can live with my husbands "defects" especially after watching too much Forensic Files! There are people who have been married for YEARS and STILL didn't realize WHOM they were married to! I am sure there are STILL things that I don't know about my husband even after knowing him for 17 years. But that's alright, I'll take it! The things I do know I love about him. I guess if you can take the bad with the good and are able to live with it then you have made a wise choice. It is when we find our self doubting more than not that we should be worried. Sure you should get to know as much as possible about your mate before, but in reality statistics say that the "real" person doesn't reveal themselves until anywhere from 6 months to a year...but then again, living with someone 24/7 is the REAL deal breaker...unfortunately if you are religious at all then that is not the way to go about it =( I wonder if there is such a thing as a liberal religion that allows such "test drives"???

SunInSeattle said...

So maybe that's why it's better to wait six months before getting married??? If people don't reveal their true nature, why jump in? I know from personal experience on that one. I guess I will have to blog about my crazy marriage some day as well. That should peak some interest! ;)

Also, stop watching forensic files! You keep psyching yourself out! LOL