Monday, July 14, 2008

What's the point?

Almost every one of us has rambled on and on to our friends, family, or coworkers without being able to stop ourselves. We think some story we are sharing is interesting or entertaining, despite the fact we can tell the person sitting across from us is losing interest quickly. Why is that? Why can’t the self-proclaimed blabbermouth in us (AKA rambler, chatty Cathy, chatterbox, flap jowler, etc.) just quit talking? I don’t know, but I would tell you if I knew because I am the type of person who likes to talk. For example, I can tell you that “Blabbermouth” in this context is actually a misuse of the term. I am not someone who blabs secrets, but just someone who needs to chat, to share, to bounce ideas off of people, and who loves to hear about others’ lives as well. I can't help it! To me, people make the world go round and communication is the glue that binds us together, albeit cheesy, I know... I also love my child and hate to think of going through the day without saying her name or letting others know how funny she is; yet, I hold back on talking about her because I know that no one will ever think she is great as I think she is. Much like the pictures we take of our lives, most people will never find them as interesting as we do. So, many of our favorite moments go unnoticed, unappreciated, and uncelebrated by anyone but ourselves. I find that to be so, so sad... Anyway, due to my profound sensitivity to the people around me (if I do say so myself -ha ha), I have decided to share my random thoughts, life stories and insane ideas with…myself. If someone else chooses to listen in, well then, welcome! You can also find solace in knowing that I am usually in the mood to listen if you feel like rambling back. In the mean time, maybe I can spare those around me the effort of pretending to care, and as negative as that may sound, I really mean it! ;)

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