Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Favorite New Invention:

Okay, so I love, love, love my iPod, which is strange because I never thought I would need or want one, but now I want to marry it (okay a little over the top). I got it for a gift from my lovely husband and now I want to cry when I forget it. I know it's not just me either. My sister's iPod went down when she was at the gym and it lost all of her running information for that day, so she was upset that her computer thought she was being a slacker when she went to upload her information. Seriously, it's an addiction! Anyway, I discovered another great invention awhile ago and thought I would share how much I love Pandora.com. You select an artist and Pandora will put together a mix of music that fits with that artist, plus you can choose numerous artists and mix them together, and listen to them on the internet, your iPod Touch, or cell (I guess). So say I chose Depeche Mode: I will hear a mix of bands like The Cure Soft Cell, New Order, and Information Society; along with Depeche Mode of course. Then, as if that is not great already, you can give a thumbs up or thumbs down on a song and it will adjust what you listen to. Great fun! I mean, it's no iPod, but it's still great. ;)

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