Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This is yet another "Dear Diary" type of entry: Today I went to a party for Grad School. The professors and administration held a BBQ for for us new grad students. It went pretty well, but mostly it made me so nervous! Most of the grad students don't seem to be working while going to school and I was the only one that brought my kids (well kid) there with my husband (although all family was invited). So, most of them don't have children and don't work. I can't imagine why I think I can do all three. I think I am in over my head. Usually I feel like a flake at these things, but this time I feel way too serious! Ughh...

So far this has been a pretty stressful week in general, so maybe the stress of the week has driven me over the edge. I have been to my school three times to get books and each time I ask the hours ahead of time and each time they are closing the doors the minute I get there. They keep skipping out right as I am walking up to the door even though I have come a half an hour before closing to an our and a half before closing. So after working an 8+ hour day, I get there and they close. It's truly disheartening.

I have also had numerous meetings and appointments this week, while trying to get my books and on top of that I had the worst dream the other night. My mother had called me like six times in one day telling me that she had "exciting news" but never returned my calls. So she called me six times, but wont return any of the ones where I try calling her back. I dreamt that night my mother finally got a hold of me and said she was pregnant!!! I woke up with a start in the middle of the night in that state where you kind of half believe what you have just seen and thought to myself "Well, she can't be pregnant, right? Maybe she is going to tell me she is adopting a kid." I then thought about what I would say like "Haven't you tortured enough children?" (Okay that sunds mean, but you would have to meet her. She probably would have laughed) or "Can't you just get a dog?" So anyway, my week was already stressful and I still have not heard back from my mother. I did leave her a message saying that she she should probably call me since my dream has led me to believe the exciting news is her impending pregnancy.

Anyway, I have an orientation for school tomorrow and hopefully (Lord willing) I will get my books tomorrow since everyone (the non-workers) all seem to have theirs (Overachievers! Kidding, they are really very nice). I also have my "Cowgirl" work party Friday - YAY! <- Sarcasm alert. ;) So we will see if I am more or less stressed by the end of the week! Help!

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