Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are Dems “cooler” than Republicans?

Are Dems “cooler” than Republicans? Well, of course they are, but here's why…

My husband was telling me that a friend (who is a young Republican) was saying how much cooler the Democrats seem when you watch their convention versus the Republican National Convention. It’s funny because I was thinking the same thing when I was watching it, but at the moment I am biased. Watching the RNC was like watching some kind of convenience store convention; full of old men, rich women with too much jewelry and makeup, and dorky people with lame cowboy hats. They don’t even look good in the cowboy hats like some of the rodeo “folk” where I live. I mean the young, studly cowboys and girls where I live seem to pull off that look, but dorky republican convention goers? Not so much. It's like when the new college kids come into town and they all think because they are in an agricultural type of state they need to wear a cowboy hat, but mostly look like dorks.

Anyway, the DNC was full of excitement, hope, celebrities (dare I say that word? Oh heck, who cares! - So celebrities like a Democrat, big shocker), concerts like the Flobots, poker games with Ben Affleck, and even funny signs that said “Discounts available for Liberals” and "Stop Bird Porn" (still not sure what that is about, but see below). The RNC was full of well, no one really special – sorry. Their big buzz speaker? Uh, a Democrat - A traitor, but still, a Democrat. That brings up a good point too! They had to “bring in” someone from the other party to create excitement! In fact, while watching the convention, I realized the coolest people there were Sarah Palin’s kids.

I know, I know, the coolness of Republicans or Democrats is really not important, but do we really want the world to see us as a bunch of stuffy, aging old fuddy duddies or do we want the world to see us as a group of young, vibrant representatives of the “American Dream” and all of the good stuff that comes with that? I heard someone from another country talking about the American Dream the other day and she had no idea what this meant. Didn’t people know what this was at some point? Before we all lost hope for any kind of dreaming at all? Plus, from a marketing standpoint, wouldn’t we want the younger, non-voters who are considering choosing a side to see a livelier and exciting group? Those people are going to see the excitement of the DNC and subconsciously think of “Change,” “Fresh ideas,” “Hope,” or well, breathing. The RNC? Again, not so much.

So in conclusion: I am agreeing with my husband's friend - not because I am a Democrat (because I am really registered as independent - I know, hard to tell, huh?) and not because I was in the Denver area at the time of the convention, so I want to be "cool by association" (because I would never take a leap far enough to consider myself to be cool). No, I am agreeing with him because I have watched both conventions now and have reached that conclusion based on observation. I saw that the most exciting thing during the McCain speech was two, yes count them - two, protesters that were smart enough to get tickets to the opposite side's big night. One of the protesters appeared to be a Vet and for the record, sadly McCain does "vote against Vets" and he big issue with me is the unwillingness to give an appropriate amount of rest between deployments and voting against mental health issues. Sad! The Vets actually gave him a lower rating than Obama! I don't think you get to stand up and give a speech at your convention stating 9 million times that you are a war hero and not feel at least a little bit hypocritical that you are not in favor of the current troops situation. Maybe he thinks they are whiners, like Palin feels Hillary is for women's rights. Maybe "Maverick" means to belong to a group (Women, Vets, Democrats, etc.), but to secretly dog it from the inside.


Stopping Bird What?
This seems to explain? Uh, Okay?? Maybe this is counterproductive in proving Democratic coolness, but you will get weird people at any big event. The point is that at least the DNC kept things interesting!

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