Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain vs. Letterman

I just watched the best video of last night's Letterman show. McCaon was supposed to show, but didn't and isntead did another interview with CBS and said he was "rushing off" to Washington. Here are my thoughts on the interview:

Okay I am not typically fond of Letterman. What people need to understand here is that the media used to love McCain and as Letterman said here - no one recognizes the man anymore. He is a hero, but is bailing on an interview and the debates, which says something must be wrong. Letterman also has a fantastic point when he mentions Palin and asks where she is. If she is unable to step in for him on the campaign, where will she be as VP when the job gets really gritty. Ask yourself what you would do if you heard your running mate were postponing things, which could be detrimental to his campaign and nomination. Wouldn't you step up and say "I can do it" and jump in? I would! That's the first thing I do at my job when things get tight. There are also actual pins floating around in Alaska that say "Where's Sarah?" because that is a common question there.

Also, is the best thing for this campaign to postpone the ousting of George Bush from the white house? The economy is horrible and the best thing for the economy is a fresh new leader, no matter who it is at this point (well, maybe not anyone). Heck, where's Ross Perot, I would even take him right about now.

Additionally, Obama said yesterday that a good leader will have to do numerous important things at one time and he's absolutely correct. Why can't McCain do this? Even George Bush proved he was able to handle many things at one time after 9/11. Granted, he didn't have the task of reviving a bumbling campaign or making it seem likes there's hope in an economy that is worse than anything since the Great Depression at the time, but still... He was relatively new to office and still stepped in during a crisis.

Anyway, maybe I secretly loved the interview because Olbermann was on there and I just adore him. ;)

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