Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Politics? Ughhh...

So, I can't help thinking about politics these days. Similar to the days when the Republicans "won" the last presidential election, I have been waking up at night worrying about the country's future and the future of my child. It turns out I had a good reason to worry with the proof being the current condition of the environment, the economy, and the status of the world in relation to our country, but Sarah Palin? Really??? Watching her entire speech was painful because she came across mean and nasty, which is not what I would hope for from what could potentially be the first woman VP. So, I have three theories about this pick and it turns out, there are many others floating around out there amongst my friends and the rest of the world.

Theory one: McCain has simply lost his mind. This is self-explanatory given that the McCain 5 years ago is a different person than the one today, so I am imagining he slipped and hit his head sometime between now and then. Five years ago I actually said I would vote for him if he came up on the ticket and now I wouldn't vote for that man if I had to chose between him and a chimp. It turns out a chimp can actually run the country, as we have seen over the last eight years. We have also watches people vote for him. What a crazy world! Thankfully, I don't have to choose a chimp over McCain because we have a much more qualified human being to chose (Obama) instead.

Theory two: McCain has always been accused of being more of a Democrat than a Republican and he is actually on an undercover mission to lose the election for the Republicans so that the Democrats will win. I also think he is receiving an incredible amount of pressure by Republicans to push absurd values that he simply does not believe in. He knows if he chooses Palin as a running mate that no one in their right mind can vote for a woman that argues about Polar Bears being on the endangered species list and that global warming and an increase in Greenhouse Gases are indeed being enhanced by man-made elements. Although, I know, I know, Global Warming is in dispute and I have witnessed this from a personal friend who refuses to believe in the concept, but polar bears? We cannot deny that the polar bears are scrambling to stay afloat during their migration due to the melting polar ice caps. We can watch this on Planet Earth or some other Discovery Channel video with our own eyes. I was looking at a picture of Sarah Palin's office and thought to myself "Now there's a woman that I couldn't possibly relate to or have less in common with." She was sitting on her couch that was covered with the dead carcass of a bear (head, fangs, and all) with a gigantic dead crab taking up the entire width of her coffee table, while she sat there with her smug beauty pageant grin. Hmmm....

Theory three: McCain was trying to appeal to and win over all of the beauty pageant, gun toting and hunting from helicopters, anti-environment, anti-birth control, anti-freedom of women being able to think for themselves Hilary Clinton supporters out there who have yet to make a choice of who they want to vote for. Not to mention, those would also have to be Clinton supporters that don't care that she called Clinton a whiner. Even if he is trying to appeal to just plain old women out there in the world, how many woman could really find themselves relating to this lady? I heard this morning that she wants to teach Creationism in schools. The United States is a mixture of several different cultures and beliefs, with people from all religions. How many of the women in the world, or men for that matter, want to have their children be taught Palin's beliefs in school. How fair is that to other religions? Like it or not, we are not all on the same page where that is concerned and forcing our beliefs on people is sure to isolate children and close them off to learning.
She also represents a hypocritical nature in her campaign. She preached against private jets, while McCain's wife stated that the only way to get around Arizona is by...private jets. She also said that she would leave the country in a better condition than how she found it, which makes it sound as though she believes it is not in a good condition to begin with - uh, George Bush. Plus, not to point out the obvious here, but how well have her beliefs worked in her own family's situation? How well can a person with so much turmoil going on in their own lives really do their job effectively? She is being investigated by the State Legislative Council, a bipartisan group(Countdown, 2008). She has a pregnant underage daughter that probably needs her support through a very tough time in any woman's life; especially after her mom exposed a very private issue of hers to the world. I'm guessing she didn't receive a choice. Imagine being a pregnant teen in a normal setting, but then imagine the world knowing about your situation and most likely judging you (unfortunately people will and most likely these will be the people from her mother's party since that is what they generally preach against). My husband told me that even Howard Stern was talking about this. She just appears to have a lot of other things going on. Keep in mind, I am not saying because she is a woman she should be home with her kids because no one is more of an advocate for working moms than me, but as a parent, she should be more concerned with her own family's issues than what other people are "allowed" to do. I don't need someone judging me and my values, when what she is preaching doesn't seem to be working well. I would worry about putting my family through such a grueling interrogation at such a rough time for the family. I think the timing just isn't right for her, but hey, that's just me. matter how you look at it, we should genuinely take a look at the running mate of a 72-year-old "President" McCain because she may very well take over for him someday. Is this really who we want to lead us? I can't imagine that the people in our country have become such polar opposites that on one side we want a well-spoken dreamer Democrat and on the other we want a man who's own campaign says he "Doesn't speak for the McCain campaign," along with his insanely conservative running mate who has less experience than the candidate McCain criticized for having...get this...too little experience. Oh well, on a positive note, if McCain wins, Saturday Night Live may finally be able to write some funny material again. Palin seems like a younger, prettier version of the Church Lady. That could be potentially funny. I mean, we're going to need something to laugh about.
PS. I also came up with two more theories:
4) Palin has some really good dirt on McCain and is blackmailing him.
5) All of his other choices turned him down at the realization that his campaign is a lost cause (This one is more wishful thinking)
Oh! I have to mention Palin's littlest daughter during the speech and how she licked her hand while the camera was on her and then wiped down the baby's head. How cute, but yucky and embarrassing, was that? Poor kid. That video will probably follow her around the rest of her life.

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