Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Learning new things:

I guess recently Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, used the word "uppity" to describe Obama. Olbermann, from MSNBC Countdown asked Obama about this comment on his show Monday, but Obama seems to avoid bad mouthing people, which is nice but also really frustrating when you want a guy to stand up for himself once in awhile. Now before I go on, I have to admit that I am a bit naive because I have not heard of this comment in terms of racial stereotypes; however, after reading the definition, it does make sense that this would be considered to be an offensive comment... Uppity: "Taking liberties or assuming airs beyond one's place in a social hierarchy" from Okay, so what Davis is stating is that he feels Obama is stepping out of line? So, even still, I had a hard time believing that someone in this day and age would actually say this; yet, when asked, I guess Davis essentially said "No, that's what I meant." Uh, seriously? Even without bringing race into the conversation and assuming he meant to say "elitist" or something else, it's still an interesting concept to use in regard to a person who went to school on scholarships and in the mean time the comment is coming from a campaign team devoted to a man that doesn't know how many houses he has (I actually saw this video where he said this) and who's wife said the only way to get around Arizona is by private jets (also from Countdown). Is Obama "uppity" because he isn't out killing his dinner with his bare hands like McCain's running mate? Some of us just prefer to go to the grocery store. Hmmm...


Also, it's been a few days, but I wanted to talk about a concert I went to last weekend with my family and my friend's kids. My friend's daughter is the most amazing singer, so I thought she might enjoy someone else with a killer voice and guitar skills. We went to see Katie Herzig and Tifah. Katie is a friend of mine's sister, so I was introduced to her music through her, but i always hesitate to say that because I feel like people will think I am plugging her because she is my friend's sister, but she is seriously amazing! Tifah has the most amazing voice as well and was an incredible "live" performer, but for some reason it didn't translate that well to the CD my husband bought. Katie however has a voice that works in both respects. She is on several television show soundtracks, as well as the up and coming Sex and the City soundtrack (?). My friend also pointed out a way that I could get her CD for free by passing the word about her onto three friends through, although I am not sure it is still up there. Anyway, she was really, really great. :)

Great song of Katie's (on YouTube)

Katie Herzig review from Billboard

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