Friday, October 17, 2008

Hard Knox

There's something about the idea of telling the stories of the people who do not usually find themselves in the spotlight that appeals to me. In high school a friend and I would often find ourselves talking to random strangers on the streets in the U-district in Seattle and while, looking back, this seems like a bad idea, everyone always had such an interesting story to tell. I also loved talking with the kids at the residential treatment centers where I completed my internships. They were so full of life despite their current situations. I could go on and on (as usual) about how I would love for my work's website to have a special feature on each employee telling us the things that most people never get to hear until, sadly, we hear them too late. Anyway, the point is: People are so fascinating!

So recently, when I heard the most fantastic music from the Choir of Hard Knox, I was so excited by the concept and story behind the choir. The Choir or Hard Knox is an Australian choir devised of numerous personalities who are generally considered to be "disadvantaged" or "less fortunate" compared to one's typical idea of a choir. I was so impressed by Jonathan Welch's ability to compose such a beautiful sound from a group of people maybe who don't really "fit the mold" so-to-speak, or read music even. It's a great concept of taking real people and showing that beautiful things can come from anywhere, not simply well-polished performing arts graduates, which of course Jonathan himself seems to be - but I won't hold it against him! ;) Anyway, I had to dedicate at least some of my daily ramblings and thoughts to such a great story.

Story behind the choir

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